NZ Native Marble Leaf or Putaputa-weta

Attractive smaller-growing native tree. Graceful layered and weeping form, foliage is medium to dark green giving a marbled appearance with a dark purplish leaf underside. Has clusters of small white flowers in summer. A great ornamental native for specimen or group plantings. Medium hardy, evergreen, grows to 5m.

Suitable for: Group plantings, specimen or texture planting.

Features: Attractive marble-like leaf, graceful weeping layered form.

Botanical Name: CARPODETUS serratus

  • Category
    Native Trees
  • Brand
    Easy Big Trees
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For over 100 years we’ve been focused on growing the very best trees and shrubs for New Zealanders. They can enhance any landscape. They can create an easy, instant sense of heritage. They are used by commercial landscapers to complete architectural visions, delivered to wholesale nurseries all over New Zealand and sold to residential customers who want that perfect garden.

Their home is over 30 acres of rich Southland soil and it’s here you’ll find the South Island's largest nursery, with an extended collection of natives, deciduous trees, fruit trees, plants and shrubs.

It’s here you’ll discover exactly what you're looking for.

Easy Big Trees
Carpodetus serratus | NZ Native Marble LeafEasy Big Trees