The Hipertrowel™ method is ideal for industrial floors from 500 m² and up. Both newly poured slabs and older, pre-existing floors can be processed with the Hipertrowel™ system. The Hipertrowel™ system allows you to produce a smooth, functional dust-free floor with high reflectivity at the speed of ride-on trowel finishing.

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    Concrete Flooring
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    Husqvarna HiPERTROWEL
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The Hipertrowel™ concrete floor polishing system is exceptionally efficient. Allowing you to cover expansive areas of up to 1000m² per day, Hipertrowel™  is an ideal floor solution for projects where speed and quality are of utmost importance.

The Husqvarna Hipertrowel™ is designed predominantly for extensive industrial flooring projects, specifically tailored for areas covering 500 m² and upwards. It can be employed on a wide range of concrete floors, whether you're working with a newly poured slab or looking to rejuvenate an older, existing floor.

This trowel floor polishing system excels when time is of the essence, ensuring a swift and efficient process that's particularly valuable for expansive surfaces. It's ideal for spaces without obstructions, such as pillars, allowing for seamless and uninterrupted polishing. If your floor doesn't require levelling or exposing of aggregate, the Hipertrowel™ offers a quality solution. The method is also suitable for facilities where wet grinding is acceptable, given that a competent slurry management system is available on-site.

In essence, the Husqvarna Hipertrowel™ delivers exceptional precision, speed, and quality, making it a go-to choice for larger industrial flooring projects.

The Husqvarna Hipertrowel™ operates as an advanced trowel floor polishing system, designed to deliver impeccably polished concrete floors. It employs a wet polishing method that begins with core steps, starting from 30 to 200 grit metals or resins, ensuring a detailed and graded polish.

Starting with 30 grit, the system addresses the initial roughness and surface imperfections of the concrete floor. As you advance through the steps, each subsequent tooling becomes finer, gradually smoothing and polishing the surface. By the time you reach polishing with 600 grit, the floor will have achieved a remarkable shine and smoothness.

For those seeking an even more refined finish, there are three optional final polishing steps, with 800, 1500, and 3000 grit. These steps further enhance shine, delivering an extremely smooth finish to polished concrete floors.

Depending on the initial state and conditions of the concrete floor, it might be advisable to start with an initial grinding and grouting phase using a planetary floor grinder. Through this comprehensive polished concrete service, the Hipertrowel™ delivers a pristine, high-gloss surface every time.

Thank you for your interest in our polished concrete flooring solutions. Please get in touch below with more information on your project, so that we can provide the best support.

About the

Youngman Richardson is a fully New Zealand owned private company that has been serving the construction, hire and agricultural industries for over 40 years.

We are a leading importer and distributor of contracting, industrial and commercial equipment, with a customer base throughout New Zealand.

Our company has a reputation for quality, service and ethics.

We pride ourselves on our commitment to customers, product knowledge and expertise with a spare parts service that’s “the best in the business”.

We are the New Zealand distributors for a wide range of products, recognised worldwide for their quality and reliability. All the products we supply meet our high standard of performance and are chosen for their suitability to perform in New Zealand conditions.

We also manufacture and assemble onsite using genuine New Zealand parts and are proud to be 100% NZ owned and operated.

We are specialists in concrete floor preparation and offer the Husqvarna range of concrete floor grinding and polishing machines and scarifiers for all kinds of floor preaparation jobs. Applications range from prepration for and removal of coatings, surface flattening, honing and polishing of concrete and natural stone surfaces. 

Youngman Richardson
Husqvarna HiPERTROWEL™Youngman Richardson