IconLift is a premium residential elevator that incorporates opulent car and lift shaft design and finishes with the highest level of technical sophistication. IconLift is the architect’s choice for the most elegant of homes. For detailed product information please download LiftingItalia’s IconLift catalogue.

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    Lifts & Elevators
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Scope of use

Lite elevators are a lower duty category of passenger lift appropriate for residential homes and disability access in public spaces.

Compared to commercial elevators, the lift car construction is light and compact which minimizes the lift shaft size. The operating speed is lower and power consumption economical. The maximum load capacity and floor area are typically appropriate for up to 5 people or a wheelchair user with an attendant. Doors may be manually operated or powered similar to a commercial elevator.

Utilising a lite elevator in a commercial or public environment can be an economical solution if the building design naturally channels most people to use the stairs while the elevator provides access specifically for those with disabilities.

For lite elevator installations McGrath Industries works with LiftingItalia who produce the InDomo and IconLift homelifts:

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About the

From its inception in 1964, McGrath Industries has specialised in creating mechanical handling solutions for customers with heavy lift and transfer requirements.

The Company was originally founded as V & M McGrath Engineering Ltd by the late Vincent McGrath and his wife and partner Mary. Today the Company remains privately owned and operated by the McGrath family, with son Chris McGrath and daughter Elizabeth McGrath at the helm.

We started out developing equipment for New Zealand’s timber processing industry. From there we branched into integrated mechanical handling plant for various industrial clients. We also developed a range of standard products including our own commercial elevators, residential elevators, freight hoists and disability access platforms. Our successful history provides us with a wide knowledge base found in few organisations.

Today in the New Zealand market we work with leading European elevator manufactures, supplying and supporting their product while we continue to design and build heavy freight lift equipment and other specialised mechanical handling plant. This includes our broad range of air cargo handling equipment which we supply to air freight operations throughout Australasia and beyond.

McGrath Industries are the go-to engineers in New Zealand for all building vertical lift machinery.

  • We supply commercial and residential elevators, including disability access platforms, from world leading European manufacturers.
  • We manufacture in New Zealand Scissor Lifts and Mast Lifts for loading docks and heavy freight lift applications.
  • We provide design and build solutions for clients requiring specialized lift systems.
  • And our comprehensive maintenance service extends to refurbishment of legacy installations.
McGrath Industries
IconLift Residential ElevatorMcGrath Industries