Cape Brown

Enhance the natural beauty of your outdoors with natural stone features. Stone letterboxes, columns, walls, water features and paving are just a few of the options you have to enhance the beauty and value of your space with natural stone. Add a touch of timeless sophistication to your home with Craftstone.

Send us your plans, or speak with one of our talented staff. We'd be happy to provide you with a free no-obligation quote. 

  • Category
    Outdoor Tiles & Paving, Stone Walls and Pillars
  • Range
  • Brand
    BRANZ Appraised
  • Designer
  • Warranty
    15 years
  • Country of origin
    New Zealand
  • Type of use
    Commercial and Residential
  • Package type
    Special shipping required
  • Installation
    Professional installation required

Beautiful - Durable - Natural

Scope of use

Our stone veneer can be applied to any masonry substrate, from fibre cement sheets, brick and block, and even tilt-slab systems. Using our Mineral Plaster Technology BRANZ Appraised plaster systems, we can also apply Craftstone to any plastered substrate, including AAC panel, polystyrene sheets, insulated concrete forms, and even PVC concrete forms. 

Craftstone column modules are 450 x 450(w) x 300mm(h) and are hollow. This allows for reinforced concrete to be poured down the centre to create a structural column to support the weight of most gates. Alternatively, they can remain hollow and be stacked up to five modules high, with a matching capstone to create striking DIY fence columns. Matching stainless steel letterbox modules are also available.  


Stone letterboxes, columns, walls, water features and paving

SKU: Landsca-Cape-Brown

Other products in this range

Add value to your home with the timeless beauty of natural stone. Craftstone are suppliers of New Zealand's only BRANZ appraised real stone veneer cladding system. That gives our customers the confidence that our system has been independently and invasively tested to ensure that it meets the highest standards for weathertightness, wind loading and seismic activity under New Zealand’s Building Code.

Why choose the Craftstone system?

  • It's real stone, formed over thousands of years and will last. No need for UV testing like artificial products.
  • BRANZ appraised to ultimate seismic deflection (Can be used with confidence in any earthquake zone).
  • BRANZ appraised to Extra High Wind zone (Ultra limit state - 2.5 kpa). Has been used in zones exceeding 3.2kpa with minor modifications.
  • The first stone veneer system to pass New Zealand's most stringent weathertightness test (E2/VM1).
  • Classed as medium and lightweight cladding options under the NZ Building Code, eliminating the need for expensive foundation rebates, or engineered lintels over doors and windows.
  • Craftstone is face-loaded, making it perfect for remodelling your existing home.

Proud to be a 100% New Zealand owned and operated business, our team has a wealth of experience in all aspects of the stone cladding industry and we are here to share our knowledge with you - so you can find the right stone solution to fit your exact requirements - whether that's at home, in a commercial environment, or a public space.

We have a nationwide network of Craftstone Approved Installers, who are trained in the use of our BRANZ Appraised system. So call us to discuss how you can add value to your home through the timeless beauty of natural stone cladding. We make real stone easy.

Landscaping ProductsCraftstone