MAXSpan Insulated Concrete Floor

MAXSpan Insulated Concrete Floor delivers the benefits of MAXRaft® to the upper levels of your home.

Suitable for use on multi-storey buildings, above basements or on incline sites, MAXSpan will allow you to use a concrete floor above the foundation. The benefits of an above the foundation concrete floor include; increased structural integrity, improved underfloor heating efficiency, reduced noise transfer between rooms, and MAXSpan can be used in conjunction with MAXSlab, MAXRaft and retaining walls. 

  • Category
    Floor Slabs
Scope of use

• Suitable for multi-level buildings and incline sites;

• Can be used to bridge enclosed spaces;

• Increased thermal efficiency;

• Less time required on site;

• Site-specific engineering;

• Reliable, proven construction details;

• Achieves an R Value of ~R4.5 according to floor type. 

Engineering (PS1) for consent can be arranged through MAXRaft®, we work with a group of engineers who are experienced in designing MAXRaft® foundations and can pre-empt council queries. MAXRaft can also prepare and deliver PS4 sign off for each project.

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About the

MAXRaft offer a range of fully insulated and thermally broken concrete slabs with R-values that easily meet the requirements of the building code.   

The team at MAXRaft is passionate about creating healthier, warmer and more energy-efficient homes. Historically New Zealander's have concentrated on insulating ceilings and walls, however, up to a third of a building’s heat can be lost through an uninsulated floor. Up to 80% of heat loss can be through the external edges of the slab. 

MAXRaft products combine strength with durability. The slab encases the perimeter and puts a continuous layer of MAXRaft between the ground and concrete, unlike traditional waffle slabs. This insulation has a dramatic effect on the surface temperature, significantly increasing the comfort of the home and the health of the family, all the while lowering the cost of heating. Iso-thermal analysis conducted in line with ISO 10211 comparing MAXRaft to a traditional waffle slab showed MAXRaft is significantly warmer, providing comfortable warmth even in the middle of winter climates. 

Fully engineered, MAXRaft has solutions for most types of ground (incl TC1/2/Exp. soils, piles), residential (single storey, multi-level or simply an extension) and commercial build while providing construction R-values between 2.5 and 5 depending on the project. Installation is quick, practical and efficient with site-specific insulated slabs delivered to the site in pre-cut segments. Founded in Queenstown, with representatives and install teams throughout New Zealand, MAXRaft is committed to providing well-insulated homes for its customers.

When considering Homestar or Passive House certification a MAXRaft slab is the perfect place to start.

View our BRANZ Appraisal.