Constructed from high grade duplex stainless steel and packed with features to benefit specifiers, installers and homeowners, making them exceptional value for money.

  • Category
    Hot Water Cylinders
  • Rinnai cylinders are manufactured to suit most NZ council water supplies. 
  • However, some supplies can have a detrimental effect on the cylinder, its operation and life expectancy.  
  • Stainless steel cylinders are not suitable for bore or tank water. Water supplies with a high level of calcium carbonate (hard water) can cause scaling on hot surfaces. We recommend a temperature of no more than 65 °C to minimise scale buildup. 
  • Scale reducing or water softening devices should be considered in hard water areas.  The unit is not guaranteed against damage due to scaling. 
  • For details of water quality please refer to the water quality parameters in the warranty.
Scope of use
  • Indoor mains and low pressure systems. 
  • Residential and commercial applications.   
  • Left or right-hand cold inlet connections.
  • Not suitable as a pool or spa heater. 
  • System should be located and arranged so as to achieve the closest proximity to water draw-off points.
  • Lightweight, stainless steel makes transport and installation a breeze  
  • Low maintenance, no sacrificial anode to maintain   
  • Choice of lower element, upper element, and dual element
  • Install as a low pressure system then connect, without replacing your cylinder, to the luxury of mains pressure when you are ready.
SKU: stainless-steel-mains-pressure-indoor-cylinders-standard
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Stainless Steel Mains Pressure Indoor CylinderSnug Store