StoClear Coating Systems

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Minimalist Architecture using exterior concrete and raw masonry requires coatings and treatments to protect and waterproof these natural substrates that can vary from high MPa precast concrete to low density pumice blocks.

Developing an encompassing range of products has required research and testing using the latest European technology based on Silane and clear coating technology. The S-Protect range is based on high concentrate Silane technology that has been trialled and tested on numerous iconic buildings, including The Sydney Opera House 1991, The Louvre Museum 2003, The Hang Zhou Bridge 2008, Novotel Airport Hotel 2011 and Parliamentary Library 2012.

The StoProtect range has been developed to coat concrete blocks that are required to meet the stringent tests in the new CCANZ CP01 :2014 document and is one of the few systems to have passed these test requirements.

StoClear Coating Systems:

  • StoProtect Clear Coating System for Concrete Blocks.
  • S-Protect SC Silane Protection for Concrete & Brick Veneer Construction.
  • S-Protect SC Silane Protection for Precast, In situ Concrete.
  • StoPur WV200 Transparent System for Precast Concrete.
  • S-Protect SP Anti Graffiti Coating System.
  • Category
    Concrete Finishes
  • Range
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About the

Synonymous with rendered facades, Sto is a company with worldwide experience in exterior insulation, renders and coatings. Sto has built a reputation for providing compliant, weathertight and highly durable exterior rendered facade systems, with a unique range of textured finishes, that extend the life-cycle of the building facade.

As the authorised partner of Sto for Australasia, we are committed to the Sto philosophy. "Building with conscience".

Sto Render and Facade Systems are tested and appraised by BRANZ to surpass New Zealand's tough environmental conditions. Installed by our experienced network of Sto registered LBP Contractors, and have the added protection of the StoWarranty with StoService Assurance program. Protecting you and the property investment.