Pedestrian Wedge Wire
Pedestrian / Foot Traffic – Light duty areas typically creating the level access around the home.

  • HSL have concentrated on the liner look
  • HSL source their Wedge Wire from Australia and only use 316 Stainless Wedge Wire
  • All other components that go into the products are sourced locally
  • All Wedge Wire grates are manufactured locally at our Silverdale premises
  • We will work with you to get the look you are after
  • Our design can greatly reduce the installation time.
  • Category
    Surface Drainage
  • Range
    Wedge Wire
Specs / Details


HSL concentrate on offering custom made wedge wire solutions that have the Liner look and has the following benefits:

  • The sections can be made up to two meters long and interlock offering uninterrupted lines that are unmatched in the industry
  • The sections can be made to any width from 80 mm up to 230 mm
  • The legs are made in various lengths to fit each application, this allows the drain to be formed to drain correctly. The drain is then measured, and appropriate lengths of legs provided to allow the wedge wire to be fitted and levelled
    • Legs are typically made from 70mm up to 200mm, above this extra support is required for the legs
    • Legs are provided every 400mm to 500mm
  • The Natural Rubber Buttons can be installed to keep the wedge wire 12mm away from Joinery
  • Individual pieces can be made to allow for the following
    • Internal and External Corners
    • Cut‐Outs to allow for variations in the width of the wedge wire while still maintaining the Liner look
    • Cut‐Outs to allow for downpipes
  • The 20mm Disk keeps the wedge wire in line to give it the linear look.
  • The wedge wire can be cantilevered as shown in the image below, this design holds the wedge wire in place while still providing the ability to fine tune the height.
    • As the legs still offer adjustment, the positioning of the bolts/studs into the concrete is less critical.


HSL will manufacture a solution to meet your specific requirements but typically offer the Pedestrian Wedge Wire in widths from 80mm to 230mm. - see brochure 2.2. 

About the

HSL specialises in architectural, aluminium, copper, stainless & marine fabrication.

On the 1st April 2017, Chris Strong became the new owner of HSL, having purchased Hibiscus Sheetmetals from Stuart, who retired at the end of August 2018. Chris is an aircraft engineer by trade and is extremely focused on providing quality products and good customer communication. There will be no obvious changes at HSL, as the full HSL team will still be onsite. The only changes will be that Chris and Stephanie are onsite running the office.

Hibiscus Sheetmetals Limited
Pedestrian Wedge WireHibiscus Sheetmetals Limited