Not Applicable

Wet cast pavers or Alfresco pavers are made by pouring wet concrete mix into moulds and curing to reach a final product. They provide a high-end finish and are required to be grouted into place.

  • Pavers need to be monitored into place with a solid grout, therefore, we recommend they are laid by a professional
  • The wet cast pavers offer a high-end look that can work well around pools or in courtyards
  • Viblock Concrete pavers are manufactured from natural materials and comply with the appropriate NZ standards for strength and slip resistance.
  • Storage and laying guidelines are attached to every pallet and should be read carefully upon receipt of the pavers.
  • Viblock recommends that once laid and grouted, pavers are sealed. Professional advice should be sought before sealing.
  • Pavers age and weather at different rates depending on environmental conditions.
  • Every effort is made during the manufacturing process to ensure efflorescence or mottling problems do not occur, however, Viblock has no control over the environmental conditions the pavers are subject to after purchase.
  • Category
  • Range
  • Brand
  • Colours: Natural, Exposed Aggregate, Pumice stone, Graphite, Bleached Sand, Desert Sand, Iron Sand, Sand Dune
  • Finishes: Plain, Textured
Features + Benefits

Features and Benefits 

  • Concrete paving has a proven record of performance in commercial spaces. Compared with other pavement options maintenance is very favourable.
  • Several colours and combinations can be used to achieve the desired aesthetic
  • Along with many colours, pavers can be placed in several patterns and matched with different sizes to achieve a bespoke aesthetic.
  • Over the lifetime of a pavement, very little maintenance is required and easily repaired if issues arise.
  • Pavers are pre-hardened so will handle all conditions once laid.
  • The slip resistance of pavers can be controlled to achieve your requirements.
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About the

Viblock purpose is to bring high-quality masonry products to our customers. We operate out of two facilities in the South Island and have supplied products New Zealand wide. Viblock manufactures and supplies architectural masonry blocks, pavers and retaining walls. These are available in a range of attractive contemporary colours and have a wide variety of applications. 

Our masonry manufacturing facility is supplied from Central Otago gold tailings which provides a unique finish for our architectural products. Our products are independently tested to ensure they perform well above required standards.