Chow:Hill Architects


We believe every design tells a story, every environment creates an experience, and every project is founded on collaborative relationships and trust.

The Chow:Hill team designs with purpose, shaping possibilities to turn a project vision into reality.

Our desire is to deliver environments that evoke a sense of identity, inspire genuine engagement, and are reflective of the cultural, social, and commercial needs of our clients and their communities.

During our 30 years in the design industry, we have delivered an extensive portfolio of projects in the Commercial, Health, Education, Community, Civic and Public Realm, and every project sits within a wider societal and environmental context.

We build positive partnerships, foster respect and understanding, deliver sustainable outcomes, and design for long-term growth.

Here at Chow:Hill, great design is only the beginning.

Awards and recognition

NZ Commercial Project Awards
Gold Award: Ebbett Gateway, Hamilton
NZ Commercial Project Awards
Gold Award (Stage 8): St Andrew's Village
NZ Commercial Project Awards
Silver Award: Victoria Street, McCaw Lewis
Hamilton CBD Awards
Best New Space over 250m²: Waikato Regional Council

Chow:Hill Architects
Chow:Hill Architects
Chow:Hill Architects


Matt Hutcheson, Kainga Ora 

Ann Boland, Project Manager, Captial & Coast DHB 

Romana Baby, Unit Manager, Auckland DHB 

Kylie Cranston, Project Manager, Gisborne

Ann Boland, Project Manager, Capital & Coast DHB 

Brain Harrop, Principal David Street School