Compass Architecture

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Compass Architecture



"Nathalie transformed my preliminary sketches and ideas to produce an ambience and practicality I never would have achieved. She was mindful of style and energy efficiency, was always accessible and negotiable, and was prepared to stand for what she felt was important."


"We appreciate that we would not have achieved this outcome without Compass Architecture’s professionalism, passion for creating spaces for people to live and work in, attention to detail and willingness to work with us while we explored options and ideas ourselves."

Vivien, Ben and Bridie

"Nathalie immediately understood what we wanted to achieve and provided a compact design that contained all the elements of the classic, outback farm shed, with a very modern, industrial twist."

Micheal and Dee

"Thank you, we love our house. The views, angles, the space and the feel are perfect. It has been a year since we moved into our beautiful home. Thank you, Compass Architecture, for making it a wonderful place to live."

Marie and Rory

"Nathalie cares about mother earth. She has a passion for establishing the delicate balance between use and depletion. She cares deeply about the consequence of her actions as an architect, and as an architect, she gets it. She balances nature and clients in her ideas, discussion and questions."
