Elevate Design



SAS Builders, highly recommend working with Elevate Design Architects!

Their collaboration skills and communication are excellent. They are open to discussing ideas and provide great input throughout any project.  Andrew provides regular updates keeping us in the loop at all times. Their attention to detail and knowledge of the latest architectural trends are invaluable.

At SAS Builders we always enjoy our collaborations with Elevate Design and look forward to working with them again.

Shaun Spillane

SAS Builders

Our Refresh Renovations business has used Elevate Design for many designs in the last few years.  These have ranged from small extensions to make-overs of multi-million dollar homes.

Most of these projects required building consents, and a key measure of a good designer is how quickly the plans and supporting documents are processed by Auckland Council before a Building Consent is issued.  Andrew always responded quickly to any council requests for further information and helped expedite the consent process.  He was also very responsive when required at the build stage of a project to assist in keeping things moving.

Our clients found Andrew very pleasant to deal with, and his ideas toward the design solution were always relevant and well-received.

Dave Georgetti, Director

Refresh Renovations Auckland