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J T Carter Plumbers

J T Carter Plumbers LTD was established by John Thomas Carter in November 1952 and was a sole trader until his son John Edmond Carter started his apprenticeship in the early 1960s.  

John Edmond took over the company some years later and broadened the company’s horizons by taking on more staff with the vision of providing “unrivalled customer service and quality of workmanship” to Te Aroha and surrounding districts in the Plumbing, Gasfitting & Drainlaying industries.

J T Carter Plumbers soon took on some major contracts, the largest of these was the Te Aroha (town) sewer system contract which was held for some time. 

Current Managing Director Peter Carter the youngest son of John Edmond Carter joined JT Carter Plumbers in 1993 and served his apprenticeship before gaining his Certifying papers in Plumbing and Drainlaying and took over as Managing Director in 2009. Since becoming managing director Peter has managed to carry on this tradition of Unrivalled customer service and quality of workmanship.

Our latest venture is to take our vision of “unrivalled customer service & quality of workmanship” to Hamilton and launch our new branch, which is Managed by Duncan Leask, who has been in the plumbing, gasfitting & drainlaying trades for 10 years and has wealth of experience throughout these trades due to plying his trade in different countries over the years.

Together, Peter, Duncan & the team at JT Carter Plumbers are taking our vision to new heights by stepping up our service to another level, we strive to succeed in solving your problem with as little disruption to you as possible, while still maintaining our unrivalled standards.

Over the years JT Carter Plumbers have supported the trade immensely by training over 30 apprentices through their Trade, we pride ourselves on having quality staff and highly trained individuals in our team, without them we couldn’t be the company we are today.    

We are proud supporters and sponsors of a number of local sports teams and charities, we have been involved in fundraising for a local event centre, numerous sports clubs and we have the view that giving to the community gives back along the way.

JT Carter Plumbers were also the runner up in the 2015 Waikato Master Plumbers- Company of the year award. We find this very fulfilling as we pride ourselves on being members of the Master Plumbers Association for many years. 

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Services we
  • Plumbing
  • Drainlaying
  • Gasfitting
  • Heating
  • Roofing


J T Carter Plumbers LTD was established by John Thomas Carter in November 1952 and was a sole trader until his son John Edmond Carter started his apprenticeship in the early 1960s.  

John Edmond took over the company some years later and broadened the company’s horizons by taking on more staff with the vision of providing “unrivalled customer service and quality of workmanship” to Te Aroha and surrounding districts in the Plumbing, Gasfitting & Drainlaying industries.

J T Carter Plumbers soon took on some major contracts, the largest of these was the Te Aroha (town) sewer system contract which was held for some time. 

Current Managing Director Peter Carter the youngest son of John Edmond Carter joined JT Carter Plumbers in 1993 and served his apprenticeship before gaining his Certifying papers in Plumbing and Drainlaying and took over as Managing Director in 2009. Since becoming managing director Peter has managed to carry on this tradition of Unrivalled customer service and quality of workmanship.

Our latest venture is to take our vision of “unrivalled customer service & quality of workmanship” to Hamilton and launch our new branch, which is Managed by Duncan Leask, who has been in the plumbing, gasfitting & drainlaying trades for 10 years and has wealth of experience throughout these trades due to plying his trade in different countries over the years.

Together, Peter, Duncan & the team at JT Carter Plumbers are taking our vision to new heights by stepping up our service to another level, we strive to succeed in solving your problem with as little disruption to you as possible, while still maintaining our unrivalled standards.

Over the years JT Carter Plumbers have supported the trade immensely by training over 30 apprentices through their Trade, we pride ourselves on having quality staff and highly trained individuals in our team, without them we couldn’t be the company we are today.    

We are proud supporters and sponsors of a number of local sports teams and charities, we have been involved in fundraising for a local event centre, numerous sports clubs and we have the view that giving to the community gives back along the way.

JT Carter Plumbers were also the runner up in the 2015 Waikato Master Plumbers- Company of the year award. We find this very fulfilling as we pride ourselves on being members of the Master Plumbers Association for many years.