MAW Design Limited

MAW Design Limited


At MAW Design, we curate lighting designs to inspire, focusing on bringing in daylight and sustainability.

is all about thinking ahead. Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD), and especially where it involves daylight and luminaires, is my passion. Great lighting is all about careful infiltration of daylight, well designed luminaires and well managed intuitive controls. Energy efficiency is a bonus that also happens to ensure there is a good ROI.

design to reap the benefits in well-being and energy savings while avoiding glare and overheating.

facilities require a range of specialist lighting solutions. From examination through surgery to recovery I understand the contribution that well designed lighting makes to positive health outcomes. In addition to my experience I use evidence based design principles to ensure that budgets are spent wisely.

lighting to improve the night time appearance and usability of public spaces and for safety and security using the principles of 'crime prevention through environmental design' (CPTED).

spaces express emotionally intense lighting. Art and drama combine to enter every part of our lives and turn the mundane into the exceptional. Everyone should have opportunities to be in the spotlight!

MAW Design Limited
MAW Design Limited

Professional Services