Noel Lane Architects

Noel Lane Architects


Noel Lane Architects continues to research lifestyles and their related environments of work and leisure. Our aim is to observe astutely and correspondingly develop individual appropriate design solutions.

We see the visibility of the director and his ongoing conceptual input on all projects as an important responsibility in building the integrity of the practice. We are committed to the professional execution of our designs in complete contract terms and ensure our practice is structured formally to perform and deliver its client promises.

We see ourselves as clearly offering a service product and consider the client relationship of paramount importance. The client’s satisfaction is directly related to an ongoing involvement in the project and we accept a firm responsibility in ensuring a high degree of orderliness in this regard.

Constant liaison with Project Co-ordination Engineers, Quantity Surveyors and Structural Engineers at all critical stages in our projects ensure performance to realistic budget and time restraints

Noel Lane Architects are actively involved in domestic and commercial commissions specialising in one off individual projects. We do not seek the “Avant Garde” as our signature but rather that our designs should meet peoples’ needs in a practical and aesthetic way and at all times give a sense of understandable joy to the occupier of the spaces created.

Meet the team

Awards and recognition

Auckland Architecture Award - Housing
Southland Region Architecture Award- Commercial
Auckland Architecture Award– Small Project
Auckland Architecture Award– Small Project
Noel Lane Architects
Noel Lane Architects
