

We relied completely on Kieran to advise; Quantity Survey; discuss and come to solutions with Council; Architect; Engineers and all the sub trades involved. Without his expertise the final very pleasing result may not have been accomplished. At all times, Kieran carefully managed the budget; kept us informed and had exemplary communication with us.

Neville & Jan, Auckland

Both Anna and I are passionate about our Villa. At the first meeting with Kieran after we appointed him with the project, we emphasised the importance that we placed on retaining the character of our Villa. Kieran's approach was sympathetic to this. Accordingly, the addition to our house is seamless and a number of our friends have commented on this.

Tony & Anna, Auckland

Throughout the build Kieran has been keenly aware of the timeline and never ceased to keep trades and sub-trades on track. His communication with us has been excellent, providing any amount of information and discussion that we require. He is constantly overseeing build quality and checking back with us on aspects that may require adjustment.

Brian & Trish, Auckland