Resident Avenue


Resident Avenue


Jess has a real knack for understanding her clients. She designs by intuition & in the process hits the nail on the head every time. Most of all I love the way she brings fun light and love to every meeting. Jess reminds you it’s a home to be lived in & loved.

Kylie & Andrew O'Toole

RA were such a joy to be around - eternally brimming with crazy ideas, practical solutions to the myriad of problems which cropped up, boundless energy and kick-arse drive, and worked hard to ensure that my projects turned out to be something special. 

Christy Kerr

Jess was brilliant to work with & was constantly in contact with us. No question was dismissed and any ideas that we came up with were dealt with in a caring, considerate way.  This was really important in building a good working relationship and ours was a long process. Her ability and professionalism shone thru many, many times.

Narella & Paul Flood

Working directly with Jess I benefited from her industry knowledge & incredible supplier relationships. Jess’ expertise & client care is second to none… I never felt rushed, I felt really understood.

Rachael Ralph