Sally Feeney Interior Design

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Sally Feeney Interior Design



“She has an incredible eye for detail which was evident in the plans she drew for our house, ensuring our renovated home reflected who we were as a family and what we wanted to achieve ”

Emma, Client

"She seemed to understand immediately what we wanted to achieve. She has a great sense of style as well as practical hints and we were very happy with the end result.

Sally understood that we were building the home to accommodate numerous grandchildren and that we wanted the house stylish but not too precious…"

Lina, Client

"Sally has a wonderful ability in being able to translate our often-intangible ideas and thoughts into concrete designs and structures. She is such a good communicator"

Clifton Hill Client

"By having Sally on the project team our projects always run smoothly, our clients feel more confident and the end product has the added style and finish that only a great Interior designer can deliver."

Angus Rodwell, Resicon Master Builders (Constructed Portsea and Clifton Hill Houses)