Studio Del Castillo



“This week we have had all the Adina GM’s from around the country come in to review the rooms and foyer. They are all jealous of the outcome. Not only do they all love my hotel more (than) their own, they can’t believe what you were able to achieve for such little cost!”

Katie Obst - Hotel Manager, Adina Apartment Hotel Melbourne, Northbank

"The hotel has experienced a strong positive performance uplift post refurbishment whilst still improving its overall value proposition, therefore reinforcing the positive uplift in overall guest sentiment."

Chris Sedgwick - COO, Adina Apartment Hotel Melbourne, Northbank

"An awesome service. Simply exceptional and I can't recommend Penny enough. Penny helped me as I was building my new home over the last 2 years and Penny was there to support in every stage of the build (selecting the stone, carpet, joinery design, painting colours. parquetry. furnishings, art, styling, etc). Penny is great to deal with and without her help I would have struggled with the complex building process. 

Not only does Penny honour the brief given to her but improves it. elevating the final product. She is immeasurably patient throughout the process and I cannot emphasise enough the importance of trusting her vision. We are so grateful to her for making our dream home a reality."


"Dear Penny,

Have just downloaded and printed out everything so the staff can have a good look. BUT, they will be told not to try and change a thing - because it is, as far as I can see tonight, exactly what is required.

What a marathon effort you and your marvellous women have done on our behalf. I Can't express enough admiration for your sheer imagination and creativity.

Penny, the plans are all crystal clear to me and above all, I can see that from a daily practical work point of view, this new building will work. And it keeps the integrity of the daily work done inside the building, and stays true to the whole focus of the Spirit House business.

Well, that's tonight's marvellously positive news. Now we await the quotes - with trepidation and a deep breath."

Helen Brierty - Director, Spirit House Restaurant and Cooking School

"Hi everyone!

Sorry for my silence over the last week or so. In case you thought my silence was because I didn’t like how it turned out in the end, it is definitely not the case! It has been relatively hectic trying to prepare for the move and actually moving. We are very happy to let you know that we have officially moved in and have had our first night in!!

We’re still settling in and unpacking but I wanted to take some time out to quickly say a HUGE, HUGE thank you to each of you for making this an absolutely fantastic home. Having lived here for about 24 hours now, I can tell you with certainty that it looks and feels incredibly stunning; it’s completely liveable and practical and I can attest to how easy it is to clean! It is exactly everything we hoped it would be and more. There are so many little things that Yong and I have noticed, that we would never have thought of ourselves, that makes it such a great living space. I don’t know how many times Yong and I have turned around and said to each other, “They thought of everything!"

We could not have asked for a better team to have worked with, who were amazing from the first introductory email and follow-up phone call three years ago now. From answering all of our questions and enquiries promptly and bringing fantastic design and furnishing ideas (because as you know by now, we know nothing), even when you were beyond working on our project; for hanging in with us while insurance played their game and let’s not forget the challenges of organising delivery during strict lockdowns! You all have been so very incredible. I have already raved on about you guys to everyone I know and will do it forever.

Lastly, thank you so much for your generous housewarming gift and the lovely card!! We (I) will be enjoying that wine and hopefully with you too, soon!

Warmest regards

Chi and Yong

P.S Cedric and Owen are also very happy with our house!"

Chi and Yong