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Suburban Solutions

Suburban Solutions


Suburban Solutions are the restoration experts. Our carpentry teams' main focus is on bungalow and villa restorations throughout Auckland and are enjoying a burgeoning reputation within this heritage home community, receiving referrals on a regular basis by satisfied clients and achieving front cover status in both Urbis Magazine (Issue 70) and NZ House and Garden Home Ideas 2012.

Because of the element of the unknown with villa restorations, projects are often challenging.  With the possibility of volcanic rock lying under the soil surface or turn of the century plumbing under timber floorboards, our team must always be ready to work with the client and architect to resolve these issues.

What sets the Suburban Solutions' team apart is their experience in dealing with these challenges and their combined knowledge to suggest solutions which will work for everyone.

Suburban Solutions supplies teams who focus on restorations, alterations and additions in the greater Auckland area. We enjoy a solid reputation, receiving referrals on a regular basis from satisfied clients.  

We work with our clients to make the building process as enjoyable and smooth as possible - beginning with preliminary budgets through to Code of Compliance certification. Our carpentry teams continually impress clients with their professional skill and focus on quality. 

During the building process, there is always the element of the unknown, which makes the project both challenging and enjoyable. We work closely with our contractors and partners to ensure seamless project management and, over the years, have developed strong relationships with architects and suppliers. Specialising in villa and bungalow projects, Jones Architects Ltd is one of the companies we have worked successfully with and highly recommend.

We believe what sets our company apart is our experience in dealing with project challenges and the combined knowledge of our team to suggest solutions which work for everyone.

Look out for the Suburban Solutions logo around town and drop in to talk with us about your building project.


Many changes were made to the design and additional work was added as the project progressed. The Suburban solutions team were at all times accommodating of these changes.

Greg Jones Jones Architects
Suburban Solutions
Suburban Solutions
