Services we
  • Construction
  • Building
  • Renovation



Totara Construction utilizes progressive building methods and innovative design methodologies to guarantee your investment is durable, practical and visually appealing.

When we build we use only proven construction methods and quality materials sourced and guaranteed by us.

We take a genuine interest in our client’s individuality and work with experience to successfully integrate this into each project. This ensures our end product is a reflection of your vision and brief.

Additionally, we work in conjunction with only the best sub-contractors which we have sourced and personally guarantee to ensure our clients are provided with the highest quality end product.

Our subcontractors are forward thinking, likeminded professionals who share the same vision of excellence and commitment to quality craftsmanship.

Lastly, we are passionate about what we do, we are forward thinking and we are living a vision created in 2016 which was to offer something more substantial, long-lasting and personable to the building industry. This, however, does not equate to a more expensive building operation. We are competitive and this is important to us. We believe good design does not have to correspond with excessive expense just as excessive expense does not always correspond with good design.

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Totara Construction