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582 K Road

1475 sqm / Ponsonby, Auckland

The site was originally occupied by the Star Hotel, designed by Wade and Wade Architects in 1910. The early development was built as two buildings: the Star Hotel on the corner of Newton Rd and Karangahape Rd and a separate two-storey shop building at the eastern end of the site. Existing single-level shops occupied the land between. Less than half of this development remains today. At the time of commission, only part of the Star Hotel was still standing at the edge of Newton Road.

The programme was to increase the retail exposure and re-plan and refurbish the office space to suit the needs of modern tenants. The dispirited condition of the buildings and its location in a sensitive and important historical district of Auckland required us to attend to the resultant building form.

The solution: A perforated anodised aluminium 'veil' creates an impression of the former architectural form and scale of the Star Hotel. The 'star' pattern has been abstracted from pressed metal verandah soffit linings used locally. The GRC masonry section of the building references the deep reveals of the Victorian and Edwardian buildings in the vicinity.

Products used in 582 K Road

About the

RTA Studio has received more than 60 New Zealand and international awards, including Home of The Year, a World Architecture Festival category win and the New Zealand Architecture Medal.

Richard Naish founded RTA Studio in 1999 after a successful career with top practices in London and Auckland. We are a practice that focuses on delivering exceptional design with a considered and personal service. Our work aims to make a lasting contribution to the urban and natural context by challenging, provoking and delighting.

Our studio is constantly working within the realms of public, commercial and urban design as well as sensitive residential projects. We are committed to a sustainable built environment and are at the forefront developing carbon neutral buildings.

RTA Studio
RTA Studio
