Inside a Kiwi Smart Home
Located on a picturesque cliff edge, one architecturally designed home is distinctly different from the other luxury homes surrounding it. Not immediately obvious at first, the magic is in-built amongst the impressive floor-to-ceiling windows and expansive views, discreetly hidden behind the walls is smart home technology called C-Bus.
The home
One man who knows just how much C-Bus can enhance daily life is Des Dass, managing director of automation company Intellisys and the owner of this smart home.
Des has worked on automation projects throughout New Zealand for nearly 20 years and his own luxurious home in Auckland’s Gulf Harbour doubles as a showcase of what’s possible when C-Bus is running in the background.
He says C-Bus is ideal for homes that are 300–600m² or larger and usually have extra elements like air conditioning or pools, which require more management.
“As the houses grow in size you may not even have visibility from one end to the other,” says Des. “You would need to walk the length of the house just to check whether the lights and heaters are off and all the doors are locked! But with C-Bus you can do all that from the comfort of your kitchen or lounge. You manage and monitor the entire house from a central location.”
Des says it can be hard for people to imagine what living in a smart home is like and so his house functions as a “test drive”, where visitors can see smart home automation in action as it controls everything in and around his expansive property with the push of a button.
“People who build or renovate the kind of houses that we work on often won’t have any detailed ideas of what they want technology-wise,” says Des. “But then they come out here and see how everything comes together, that’s when the magic of it all starts to resonate, because they can picture it all working for them.”
At PDL we have been on the forefront of ensuring Kiwi homes are more liveable, personable and efficient. With a journey dating back to 1937 here in New Zealand, we have been investing in how we can help homeowners with busy lifestyles live a better life.
Providing Electric Home Design ideas and inspiring electrical solutions - from modern switches and power points designed for daily living, to innovative smart home and safety technology to help keep your home and family safe. Whether you are renovating your kitchen or bathroom, or building a house, PDL can help you get set up for life.
With a presence in New Zealand since the 1930s, PDL has a proud design, developing and manufacturing history in New Zealand. The PDL brand has stood side-by-side with Kiwi sparkies and homes, delivering world-leading electrical innovations for over 80 years.
In 2001 PDL became part of the Schneider Electric group, forming a formidable partnership. Today both brands work side by side in New Zealand to provide our Kiwi customers with the latest advances and developments in electrical solutions.
Commercial and industrial sectors are filled with Schneider Electric’s products and solutions, with power distribution, energy management, building controls, and industrial automation. As a global specialist in energy management with operations in more than 100 countries, Schneider Electric offers quality electrical and energy solutions across homes and businesses.
Together, we believe in creating a more sustainable future, ensuring Life is On everywhere for everyone, at every moment.