Architectural excellence banner

Our clients purchased the site across the road from their existing home in order to retain their gorgeous views overlooking Richmond, so building their dream home meant starting with a blank canvas. A stunning home with many special external features to make it ‘pop’ from the native bush-clad hillside.

Tasman Homes
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Professionals used in
Architectural excellence

About the

Great teams build great houses

We’ve had a long time to master our craft and refine our processes. We know what delivers the best results for our clients—and it all hinges on the Tasman Homes team.

Our team is important to us. We choose our people carefully, embracing diversity and employing adult apprentices who are established in the area and bring maturity and valuable life skills.

We believe a team that’s happy and works well together will produce an outstanding product every time. So we give our people every opportunity to grow and excel.“End-of-job success is that the client’s rapt with the job we’ve done, and our team has left a little bit of themselves behind through the positive client relationship they built over the project.”
—Garry Nott

We’re proud of our team, and the hard-earned Tasman Homes reputation for quality craftsmanship and service.