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Central to the design is the inclusion of HÅG Capisco chairs. With workers performing desk based tasks for up to 8 hours a day, the company wanted to have a chair that offered the best health benefits. In their previous office, many employees complained of severe back pains, so a true ergonomic chair was needed to help reduce absence due to injury.

With the HÅG in Balance technology offering a greater scope of movement whilst seated, and the overall design inviting regular shifting of postures and positions, the HÅG Capisco was the natural choice. 251 chairs were installed into the main desk areas, with a further 32 HÅG Capisco Puls chairs placed in meeting rooms. ASE chose the black Fame fabric from Gabriel, complimented with a black aluminium base and stem.

The new office is a success, with the complete redesign meeting everyone’s expectations, in particular the new seating installed.

"The HÅG Capisco is great because it offers so many different seating options… People become more productive when they sit better – their mind becomes more “fresh” and reduces absence due to sickness." - MARIA MORENA, HR CONSULTANT, ASE

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