Awaroa/Godley Head banner

Awaroa/Godley Head

Awaroa/Godley Head is located near Christchurch between Lyttelton Harbour and Port Pegasus. It is an iconic site nationally that is significantly important for heritage values and recreation values. It was built as a coastal defence site for World War II. It is a well-loved site with about 120,000 visitors per year. The site was damaged in the Christchurch earthquakes and was closed, during which time it was vandalised with graffiti. It reopened in 2020 after Dulux worked with The Department of Conservation (DOC) to support the wider site transformation project.

Products used

Graffiti removal: Dumond Smart Strip Pro

Stain blocking prep coat: PRECISION High Opacity Stain Blocker 

Top Coat: Dulux Weathershield

Graffiti Protection: Dulux PC Surfaceshield

Godley Head Transformation: DOC and Dulux Partnership video
Godley Head Transformation: DOC and Dulux Partnership
Awaroa/Godley Head
Awaroa/Godley Head
Awaroa/Godley Head

Dulux has been part of the New Zealand community since 1939, and today we are the country's largest manufacturer of decorative paint products. Visit us here. Throughout our history we've led the way, creating products for New Zealand's unique conditions and formulated using only the highest quality materials.

Dulux offers an extensive range of products for commercial and residential projects including; interior, exterior, enamels, interior and exterior effects, metal protection, mould protection, prep coats, ceiling and textured coatings. Plus the majority of Dulux products carry the tick of approval from Eco Choice Aotearoa.

Dulux Colours of New Zealand is a range of 900 timeless and classic colours. The range is a journey through New Zealand and our homegrown colours with each colour inspired by a loved and cherished New Zealand location.


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