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Belle Terrace

Welcome To Belle Terrace. A beautiful and stunning home based on Waiheke island. A home built with stunning views and wood and colour in mind. It was an absolute pleasure to work with Dianna And Chris Patterson. The story behind buying the land to building their dream home to retire in made it so much more then just a project. We all left with a sense of achievement and peaceful mind knowing what we had helped contribute to. 

We wish Dianne and Chris all the best and hope to see them again soon!! 

Photo Credit - Intrepid Electrical

View of house
Stunning view from dining room
Bathroom upstairs
Beautiful stair well
Custom made light with the help of intrepid and Next level.
stunning piece of glass art
Front entrance

About the

Welcome to Intrepid, your trusted partner in sustainable energy solutions. Based in Auckland, New Zealand, we are dedicated to providing innovative and eco-friendly products and services nationwide. At Intrepid, we believe in harnessing the power of renewable energy to build a brighter and greener future.

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Intrepid Eco
