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Code6Nine was commissioned to design and construct a community seating for a body corporate housing community. It was decided that a circular seat was an appropriate design to allow people to sit around and face each other, and also to enjoy the nature of curves. A circular frame was constructed and bolted to an existing concrete slab, with composite decking fixed to create the platform. The seat is made from NZ radiata plywood and recycled native NZ timber (matai – finished with a marine coating to protect the timber from UV damage).

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About the

Code6Nine represents the main operation of the business which uses G-code as the language to communicate tool speed and direction for the CNC router. The 6nine in the business name is an important element, being balance, energy and flow, the yin and yang, the night and day, the feminine and masculine, all of which are as important as the other for successful developments and outcomes of the business.

​For us, Code6Nine also represents the unspoken code that guides us, and that which we conduct ourselves with our families, friends and businesses, one of Respect, Cooperation, Trust, Integrity, Honesty, Kindness, Support and Love .

​We are a family run business situated in the beautiful countryside of Waiuku. Our aim is to deliver an affordable and high-standard CNC cutting service for both manufacturers and individuals. We are capable of taking client designs/files and converting them into finished products, and or taking the client brief and developing bespoke products. We have worked with all sorts of ideas, designs and materials, from MDF, Plywood, Timber, Acrylic, Foam and Aluminium. A bespoke joinery unit was designed, developed and built for a client looking for a bar which could be moved within their event centre space, there was an array of materials from steel, glass, plywood, timber, LED lighting and power, and the connections and junctions of how all these materials would meet and finish against each other. We enjoy working with Clients to deliver their dream product or unique project.