Bream Tail House Mangawhai Heads banner

Bream Tail House Mangawhai Heads

Bream Tail farm is a subdivision of an archaeologically and geographically sensitive coastal site that seeks to provide a custodial ownership of land without restricting public access and amenity.

The farm continues to operate and a public coastal walkway is maintained as part of the development.

The site, a series of terraces just above the mouth of a natural water-course, is very exposed on the seaward side to the east and on-shore winds funnel up the valley.

Early Maori occupation of the terraces is evident on an adjacent escarpment and middens are clearly visible from the house site.

Reminiscent of a bird having landed on the grassed and gravel terrace, this single level, low-slung building straddles the existing "modified" land of a gravel farm track. The roof folds down forming the head and beak to the north-east, with a translucent, rear "tail" flicking up to catch the last of the afternoon light.

Weathered zinc roofing merges with the often overcast sky, and the roof edges are "frayed" with outrigged purlins, and custom-made stainless steel gutters.

Black-stained, banded textured plywood claddings have their counterpart in the black-green of the Puriri in shadow on the north-west ridge.

The southern "outdoor" room and garaging walls are heavier, stack-bonded natural blockwork, clear-finished to emulate the fractured layering of the sand and shell of the archaeological middens nearby.

Garage and carport walls are partially excavated into the shaded toe of the north-west ridge. Above the blockwork, translucent and battened cedar upper walls lift the roof off the heavier base - raising the "tail from the body".

To the north-east, a terrace floats away from the surface of the land as it folds into a small gully and banks of flap windows on gas struts open the building to the beach providing a sense of variation and movement to the building skin during occupancy.

Products used in Bream Tail House Mangawhai Heads

About the

Strachan Group Architects is a multiple award-winning Auckland practice. Grounded in a specific and detailed first-hand knowledge of construction the team brings a highly developed sense of craft to the task of creating sustainable buildings with precision and elegance.

The keen sense of attention that the practice brings to the interpretation of a client’s brief is equalled by a rich and complex understanding of how to respond to the subtleties of site, the impacts of the natural environment, and the many contexts within which a building must operate. To these qualities SGA adds a precise understanding of the requirements of construction, with an advanced level of experience of prefabrication and the use of digitally controlled machinery in the fabrication of building elements under tightly controlled conditions.

SGA takes pride in it's ability to communicate ideas about building as they develop in conversation with clients, consultants and contractors. This skill has been honed in the extensive involvement the practice has had in education, where it has delivered a number of design/build projects with architecture students that have been recognised by the New Zealand Institute of Architects by a series of Awards.

Recognised by their peers as an innovative and exciting practice, SGA consists of a group of highly skilled people with a diverse range of complimentary skills. This flexible team is highly attuned to new developments in the building industry, appreciated by their many clients and capable of undertaking work at any scale.

