One of the first homes built in Queenstown totally with Nudura ICF. Testament to the vision of the two owners who undertook the entire build themselves. The outcome was spectacular and in the years that followed one of them went on to replicate this building entirely elsewhere in Queenstown, again carrying out the whole process himself. They were greatly assisted by the designer who took on board the modular nature of the system.
PhD Building are the South Island distributors of Nudura ICF (insulated concrete formwork) - now adding the Viking timber double and triple glazed windows to the range means we can meet the highest thermal efficiency and durability standards desired.
With more than 30 years’ experience in building in NZ, both on our own extensive property developments and for clients. Now living in Otago, we focus on providing exceptional levels of performance from our building envelope materials.
With a minimum durability of 100 years, together with exceeding passive house standards for insulation and airtightness, Nudura ICF walls provides all, and more, that a designer can ask for, whilst saving the client cost.