Browns Bay New World banner

Browns Bay New World

Whilst most of Browns Bay’s built context consists of narrow buildings presenting small frontages to the street, this site, and the nature of the building type lends itself to being a single form with a large frontage.

In order to respond to and maintain the nature of the existing context, the proposed building has been conceived as three gable ended buildings running north/south with the gables addressing Inverness Road and Anzac Road. This divides the building into narrower parts, similar in width to its neighbours. This division is further accentuated by differing cladding types on each gable. Each form takes on its own expression whilst maintaining the character of the building as a whole.

Location: Auckland

Year Completed: 2015


  • BEST Award Finalist : Retail Environments

About the

Established in 2004, Wingates is an award-winning Architecture & Interior Design studio.

With offices in Auckland, Tauranga and Hamilton, the studio has earned a reputation for delivering successful solutions across a range of design disciplines. The team boasts extensive experience and skill in the areas of commercial architecture, interiors, residential, retail, hospitality, healthcare and education, sharing the philosophy that optimum solutions are achieved using a combination of innovative thinking and open dialogue with all those involved in, and affected by the project. 

We have a passion for creating quality buildings, environments and products that respond to their client’s needs, user requirements and community expectations. The practice benefits from an extensive skills base that is constantly developing.

At Wingates we believe good design is an investment, and good design solutions are achieved through the application of informed and innovative thinking. Open inclusive dialogue with all those involved in, and affected by the project, will deliver the best possible solution.

