Burger Burger — Commercial Bay banner

Burger Burger — Commercial Bay

Burger Burger — Commercial Bay
Burger Burger — Commercial Bay
Burger Burger — Commercial Bay
Burger Burger — Commercial Bay
Burger Burger — Commercial Bay
Burger Burger — Commercial Bay
Burger Burger — Commercial Bay
Burger Burger — Commercial Bay
Burger Burger — Commercial Bay
Burger Burger — Commercial Bay
Burger Burger — Commercial Bay
Burger Burger — Commercial Bay
Burger Burger — Commercial Bay
Burger Burger — Commercial Bay
Burger Burger — Commercial Bay
Burger Burger — Commercial Bay
Burger Burger — Commercial Bay
Burger Burger — Commercial Bay
Burger Burger — Commercial Bay
Burger Burger — Commercial Bay
Burger Burger — Commercial Bay
Burger Burger — Commercial Bay
Burger Burger — Commercial Bay

About the

Wonder is here to create spaces that are brave, weird & wonderful.

Being ordinary won't do anymore. Our process mixes [Art + Architecture] to deliver character environments with a unique edge.

We design alongside clients of all shapes and sizes. We are full-service, meaning we work on pretty much everything - concept creation, master-planning, detailed design documentation, building consents, branding & graphics, material selections & fit-out management.

We like brave clients that are willing to take a leap of faith & are eager for their business to stand out amongst the clutter.

For all new project inquiries, call Buster on 022 382 5639.


Architectural Designers