Cade Park banner

Challenging conventional thinking

A home for workshops, studios, kitchens, commerce and the community. Active day and night. A micro city in the making. The business park has taken a great leap forward. This is Cade Park.


For decades, business parks have been uninspiring places to work and visit. Basic amenities, functional layouts and lifeless spaces are the hallmark of these unimaginative sites. With its mix of architecturally-designed pods, offices and warehouses, Cade Park is different.

The layout of the buildings and roadways is designed to blend in with the natural landscape. The sunken central parkland is a focal point for the site's amphitheatre-style design. Walkable laneways create life and energy at street level. Retailers and active spaces attract the local community.

It's impossible to list the full range of potential uses for Cade Park's workshops and studios. These bright, open and thoroughly modern spaces serve as productive office suites, beautiful places to bring customers and hives of creativity, collaboration and commerce.

Because Cade Park has been tailored to attract the likes of roasters, brewers and kitchens, there will be a high level of street activity that will encourage social interaction and draw the community in.

Cade Park has a purpose-designed hub for residents and workers to gather. The hub is home to striking architect-designed ‘lilypads’ that offer shade for patrons of the two distinctive cafés that service the hub.

In the spirit of the micro city vision for Cade Park, residents and tenants will find many of their day-to-day needs are met within walking distance. Along with the retail hub, a childcare facility and a medical centre will be located on-site.


The name we developed for Cade Park is derived from an Old English word meaning ‘round’, to acknowledge the formation of buildings around the central amphitheatre-style parkland. In a similar vein, the diverse shapes of the architecture were the inspiration behind the geometric patterns and bold font of the Cade Park logo. The angular typographic form has been softened with a colour palette that represents local plant life, natural building materials and earthen tones.

Our advertising and marketing solutions were driven by the target market of young, progressive vendors who would see Cade Park as a legitimate alternative to overpriced inner-city real estate. Social media was chosen for its reach into this target market, with activity in these channels being the foundation of the media strategy. Photography and renders highlight architectural lines, green open space and social activity to underline the unique positioning of Cade Park in comparison with traditional business parks.

Cade Park
Cade Park
Cade Park
Cade Park
Cade Park
Cade Park
Cade Park
Cade Park
Cade Park
Cade Park

About the

We are interior designers – We design interiors that emphasise a human connection

We are architects – We produce architecture that stimulates a response

We are marketing gurus – We develop marketing material that brings brands to life