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A Palms Springs inspired lifestyle sets the tone for this desert-inspired gar­den which fea­tures an array of cac­ti, agaves and succulents.

Sit­u­at­ed on a 700 sq m block in Syd­ney’s east­ern sub­urbs, the home, pre­vi­ous­ly occu­pied as the Cam­bo­di­an embassy and trans­formed by Inte­ri­or Design­er Romy Alwill, takes its cues from mid-cen­tu­ry Cal­i­forn­ian design. True to this epoch and by work­ing col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly, both Alwill Inte­ri­ors and Wyer & Co. have suc­cess­ful­ly inte­grat­ed the gar­den as an exten­sion of the home­’s inter­nal liv­ing spaces.

To achieve this, mature palms that once sep­a­rat­ed the house from the gar­den were trans­plant­ed and reused as accent plants through­out, allow­ing the space to open up, effort­less­ly onto the exist­ing enter­tain­ing area. Updates to the adja­cent pool include a can­tilever deck, clad in New Guinea Rose­wood. A care­ful selec­tion of cac­ti and suc­cu­lents add to the laid­back Cal­i­forn­ian ambience.

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California Dreamin'
California Dreamin'

Professionals used in
California Dreamin'

About the

Wyer & Co. is an inte­grat­ed land­scape design prac­tice, found­ed by Antho­ny Wyer in 2005.

Based in Syd­ney, our team of archi­tects, design­ers, hor­ti­cul­tur­al­ists and con­struc­tion spe­cial­ists col­lab­o­rate with our clients to cre­ate, con­struct, and main­tain, excep­tion­al land­scapes, for excep­tion­al homes.

Mul­ti-lay­ered, beau­ti­ful, and some­times sur­pris­ing, the spaces we design draw upon our deep knowl­edge of hor­ti­cul­ture and ecolo­gies; our under­stand­ing of the Syd­ney lifestyle and cli­mate, and the unique aspi­ra­tions and per­son­al­i­ties of their residents.

Every­thing we do is found­ed in the belief that land­scapes are a pow­er­ful medi­um to con­nect peo­ple to place, to tell sto­ries through time, and ele­vate the way we live outside.