Cosy Ski Lodge for Family With SOLITEX MENTO® 3000 Connect & INTELLO® Airtightness System

By Pro Clima

Cosy Ski Lodge for Family With SOLITEX MENTO® 3000 Connect & INTELLO® Airtightness System banner

“We can’t rely on ‘It’s cold! I’m going to bed!’ anymore. We’ve had to change the way we know when it’s time to go to bed so we can get up in the morning for another day’s skiing.” - Roland.

When it’s your own design brief and you know what cold means in the Central Plateau you take time to get it right, without it costing the earth!

Roland Alderton of RJ Alderton Builders in Hamilton has built his adventure-loving family a three bedroom 98 m2 ski lodge in National Park Village. This holiday home is designed to meet the extreme external weather and at the same time deal with challenging internal moisture demands faced in this climate with wet ski-gear.  Roland is passionate about energy efficiency and sustainable building practices.

He chose pro clima SOLITEX MENTO® 3000 connect as the Roof Weather Resistive Barrier and pro clima INTELLO® Intelligent Air Barrier along with R-2.6 insulation under the floor, R-5.2 in the ceiling and a combined total of R-3.8 in the walls. These external walls are made up of a 90 mm stud insulated to R-2.6, overlaid with INTELLO®, then an internal service cavity insulated with a further R-1.2, before being finished in a hard-wearing plywood lining.

The service cavity does what it says on the tin – carrying electrical services and occasionally plumbing – but most importantly, the main bulk of insulation in the walls is continuous, untouched (by trades) and performing at its maximum possible rating.

Roland’s next plan is to build a low energy show home in Hamilton.
We’re right there with you once again Roland!

Builder: RJ Alderton Builders

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Professionals used in Cosy Ski Lodge for Family With SOLITEX MENTO® 3000 Connect & INTELLO® Airtightness System

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Pro clima is focused on health. Operating globally, pro clima inspires and educates people to create healthy, durable and energy-efficient buildings to live, learn, work and play in - now and for future generations.

Our range of high-performance weathertightness and airtightness products helps to create draught-free, long-lasting and low-allergen emitting surroundings for families, schools and businesses.