Coyle Leppard Construction Project banner

Coyle Leppard Construction Project

Paul Knight and the team worked on this extensive Drainage and Septic tank system in Whakamaramara for Leppard Contruction consisting of installing a Hynds Lifestyle Treatment Plant and irrigation system. A touch job, but all the boys at Pipemasters produced some exceptional work.

If you require a treatment plant system on your property contact us for a no obligation quote we can help you through the entire process from getting a OSET report done to ensure you are getting the correct system for your property.   

Products used in Coyle Leppard Construction Project

About the

Pipe Masters is a team of experienced Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drain layers with an emphasis on professionalism, communication and quality. We use the latest in cloud computing to manage our schedules on our phone apps. to ensure the timing of our workflow is efficient as possible.  

Director Paul Knight is passionate about delivering this quality service coming from a new housing & maintenance background after having managed two large plumbing companies before venturing out to start Pipe Masters Limited in 2015. Paul is committed to creating an environment conducive to continuous improvement, safety and quality.   

Pipe Masters
Pipe Masters

Plumbers & Gas Fitters