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Devonport Home

This home was laid with Engineered European Oak ​flooring and finished with Tover Oil in 'Smoke'.

Engineered European Oak ​flooring and finished w/ Tover Oil in 'Smoke'
Engineered European Oak ​flooring and finished w/ Tover Oil in 'Smoke'
Engineered European Oak ​flooring and finished w/ Tover Oil in 'Smoke'
Engineered European Oak ​flooring and finished w/ Tover Oil in 'Smoke'

About the

We are an Auckland based company creating beautiful interior spaces with the use of solid and engineered timbers.

We believe that home interiors and work spaces are an extension of our inner world, that should bring us a feeling of calm and balance in this fast paced world. Starting with a consultation with one of our flooring experts, we will bring your concept designs to reality.

Our floors have featured in many homes receiving Regisitered Master Builders House of the Year Awards since 2014.

Timber Floor Specialists
Timber Floor Specialists

Manufacturers and Suppliers