Federation Square | Australia

By Barrisol

Federation Square | Australia banner

This project was carried out using a metal structure composed of geometric shapes in diamonds and quadrangles, which was built in the Atrium and BMW Edge amphitheatre (sponsor of creation). The originality of this structure was its acoustic quality and high brightness.

To obtain such a result, the translucent canvas Moonlight was chosen to enhance the natural light and the Acoustic stretched ceiling Barrisol Acoustics® to reduce noise. The layout of the interior space was also thought the furniture harmonised with the ceiling.

Architect: Lab Architecture & Bates Smart

Federation Square - Australia

Professionals used in
Federation Square | Australia

About the

Developed in France, Barrisol is the world’s leading stretch ceiling system. 

A Barrisol® stretch ceiling is a non flammable sheet made of vinyl which is stretched under the effect of heat on the periphery of the walls thanks to a specific fixing system (patented).

Thanks to the wide range of Barrisol® rails used for the fixing, all types of realizations are possible, including 3D and organic forms.

All Barrisol® products are classified A+ (VOC). Barrisol® products contribute to the respect of the environment. They can contain up to 80% of recycled materials, they are reusable and are 100% recyclable.

Every Barrisol stretch sheet is manufactured specifically for its own unique installation. Because of its elastic properties, the Barrisol fabric has a ‘memory’, allowing it to be removed numerous times without impacting the sheet’s ability to find its original form.

Barrisol features

  • Over 230 colours, 15 finishes
  • 100+ profile systems
  • Largest range of translucent membranes and acoustic solutions
  • Lighting, air conditioning, video projection and sound diffusion integration
  • Coloured and dimmable LED options
  • Technical elements hidden

Barrisol advantages

  • 10-year warranty
  • Lightweight
  • Quick Installation + easy removal and reassembly
  • No specialised maintenance needed
  • Zero-emission of volatile toxic substances
  • Moisture resistant
  • Barrisol products are made to the highest specification in the industry, which is why all Barrisol membranes and peripherals come with a full 10-year guarantee (for membranes) and 5-up to 10 years for LED’s. Please beware of counterfeit products who claim they are the same! Only an authorised Barrisol professional can offer you the protection of the Genuine Barrisol product range.