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Fields Cafe

About the

Young+Richards+ is an architecture and design studio with a broad approach operating between the worlds of architecture, interiors and development. 

Established in 2007 and based in Auckland, Young+Richards+ commenced as a boutique design practice and now is a collaboratively lead our 45 person team which is split between our design studio producing bespoke high-end architecture, interiors, development consultancy and digital visualisation, and our documentation studio which specialises in systemised documentation for housing projects.

Young+Richards+ practice uniquely combines a passion for the detail of the interior environment as well as large scale exterior and master planning projects with specialist ability in 3D visualisation and systemised construction.

A focus on the small scale and attention to detail is borne out in both residential and commercial projects that showcase a passion for material and interior space.

Regardless of scale, we thrive on providing solutions to client’s needs and working together with clients to provide individually tailored and considered design responses.

Young and Richards
Young and Richards

Architectural Designers