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Describing themselves as a “large start-up”, the company has grown from 18 to 250 employees in 5 years, and now operated in four countries. Such rapid growth has meant that the team based in the Sweden HQ needed new premises to facilitate their growing repertoire of expertise.

After a two year development process, Goodbye Kansas moved into what is today known as “the copper house” a stunning building designed by architects AIX for property developers Fabege, so-called for its beguiling copper-clad exterior.


Interior specialists Senab and Tengbom Architects worked in collaboration with the studio, creating an interior scheme every bit as exciting as the effects produced by the studio, including the design for a variety of creative, computer based and relaxation spaces.

The studio also houses one of the world’s most modern Motion Capture studios as well as advanced 3D Face & body scanner equipment, the only studio in Europe equipped with the same technology used to create the stunning visual effects for James Cameron’s Avatar film.


HÅG Capisco chairs are used for the operators of the motion capture studios. These chairs are lightweight and flexible, offering the range of movement needed to work in such a fast-paced and dynamic environment. Equipped with a footring, they also work well on the high desks in use in the recording facility.

HÅG Sofi chairs with mesh backs also feature in many of the desk-based work areas, with RH Extend chairs also in use in additional workstations. Both offer great comfort for extended sitting tasks, providing ergonomic support and easy movement to counter the inverse health effects associated with long hours at the keyboard.


One of the unique aspects of the project was the need for secrecy. With the studio often working on top-secret material, there was a need for the workspace layout to cater for location-based shutoffs, with certain sections sealed from entry, whilst allowing for the rest of the studio to work as normal.

"The Swedish sections of the Goodbye Kansas Group are currently dispersed across several different sites in Stockholm and Uppsala. The new building at Hammarbyterassen will finally allow us to bring all our cutting-edge expertise under one roof... Our copper-clad building is the perfect home for all these activities, and will function as both a forum and a landmark within our industry; a symbol of a future industry with high ambitions." PETER LEVIN CO-FOUNDER OF GOODBYE KANSAS & GROUP CEO

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