Grace Hospital Tauranga Refurbish


Grace Hospital Tauranga Refurbish banner

We contributed to the refurbishment of Grace Hospital in Tauranga. Inspace manufactured and supplied reception counters, nurse’s stations, and kitchens which were designed by the creative team at Urban Lounge and installed by Manro Limited.

It’s always a privilege to be a part of such a great team effort, and we loved the end result of this healthcare refit.

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Grace Hospital Tauranga Refurbish
Grace Hospital Tauranga Refurbish
Grace Hospital Tauranga Refurbish
Grace Hospital Tauranga Refurbish
Grace Hospital Tauranga Refurbish
Grace Hospital Tauranga Refurbish
Grace Hospital Tauranga Refurbish
Grace Hospital Tauranga Refurbish
Grace Hospital Tauranga Refurbish
Grace Hospital Tauranga Refurbish
Grace Hospital Tauranga Refurbish

Professionals used in
Grace Hospital Tauranga Refurbish

About the

INSPACE is a family run-business that specialises in Plastic Fabrication and Joinery for over 20 years. With extensive experience in the industry, we have established a reputation for providing high-quality, customised solutions for our clients. We take pride in our work from concept to completion, our team work well together to strive to exceed expectations in every project.