Hannan banner

Located on one of Williamstown’s most sought after streets, Dig Design created a home for a young family that found the balance between traditional and contemporary, old and new, interior and exterior.  The design balance in the elements of this home have resulted in an architectural solution that is something quite special.

Type:  Alterations + Additions

Location:  Williamstown

Client:  Brett + Carly

Build: John Morlang Building Contractors

Photography:  Damien Kook

Dig Design was asked to create new and contemporary additions to a traditional weatherboard home in Williamstown which was subject to a heritage overlay.  We looked to balance the restoration of the existing part of the home with a contemporary addition to suit a young family.

As a graphic designer and an accountant, our clients had a keen eye for detail and we worked very closely with them dissecting the details of the details which have resulted in some incredible finishes being woven into the design of this home.  As you make your way through the home, the story of this house unfolds, moving from light yet private spaces through to open plan living at it’s best.

Much of the design of this home is about balance.  The balance between old and new, the balance between individual spaces and a cohesive whole, the balance between spaces and the spaces in between and the balance between interior and exterior.

The connection of spaces has been a design generator on this project.  For example, the stair as a feature rather than simply a way to travel between the ground and first floor, it is a connection point, inside and outside, a place to gather, a place to sit on a dark day and watch the rain fall in the pool, finding the balance between circulation and connection.

Natural materials take pride of place, with timber floor boards, natural stones and timber veneers.  the additions are clad in a combination of cement render, spotted gum shiplap cladding and timber battens as well as weatherboard components that pay respect to the surrounding dwellings.

This is a large home for Williamstown, yet no space is wasted, the very most is made of every space, every vista, every surface.  Each space we designed, be it internally or externally, was created to support the way this family uses their home.  Design quality was at the forefront of all choices, whether it was in relation to layout, finishes or fixtures.

Every element within the design is part of a cohesive set, nothing has been left to chance, there are no happy accidents in this design.  From the finishes, to the relationship between spaces, from the stair design to the timber screens there is a symbiotic relationship between all the elements that go into making this home so special.


2021 Design Matters National
Residential Alterations|Additions
$800K+ Construction Cost

2021 Design Matters National
Bathroom Design

Dig Design
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About the

Dig Design® is an award winning Melbourne based Architecture + Interior Design studio.

At Dig Design®, we love delivering residential architecture in all forms … new homes, alterations and additions to your existing home and residential developments. We are design generators and solution finders and our ability to solve our client’s problems carries forward to our work in other project types too, including commercial and public architecture.

We share your passion for the delivery of outstanding yet affordable architecture and interior design. As your partners in the process, Dig Design® will be there to guide and support you from first idea to turning the key to your [new] home, as we work with you to create an innovative, contemporary and quality architectural solution.

We know that strong partnerships and collaboration between client, architect, interior designer and builder, is how the best results are achieved … this is where the architectural magic happens!

To us, every project as an exciting opportunity to do what we love … designing homes you love.