Hunter & Barrel, Raine Square, Perth


Hunter & Barrel, Raine Square, Perth banner

A Journey through Hunter & Barrel Raine Square.

Step into Hunter & Barrel, a mesmerizing steak restaurant and bar experience that seamlessly blends the allure of ancient traditions with contemporary design. Our goal is to transport you back in time, where culinary rituals and the untamed forces of nature were revered. Nestled in the heart of Perth CBD, Hunter & Barrel Raine Square showcases our commitment to creating an inviting space that caters to the whole family. The restaurant's tasteful and modern décor sets the stage for an exquisite private dining experience, accommodating up to 120 guests and fostering a sense of togetherness through communal dining.

Beyond its aesthetic appeal, Hunter & Barrel's design philosophy pays homage to the deep-rooted foundations of food and communal feasting. We invite you to immerse yourself in the ambiance of our restaurant, where rustic charm intertwines with contemporary elegance. Through carefully chosen design elements, we aim to evoke a sense of reverence for the sacred rituals of food and the power of nature. Every detail has been thoughtfully curated to transport you to an era where dining was a shared experience, encouraging connection and celebration.

At Hunter & Barrel, we understand that dining is not solely about the culinary delights on the plate, but also about the connections forged around the table. Our restaurant design is dedicated to fostering human interaction and creating lasting memories. From communal dining tables that promote shared experiences to inviting seating arrangements that encourage conversation, every aspect of our design is intended to bring people closer together. Join us at Hunter & Barrel for an immersive culinary journey that celebrates the essence of communal dining and the beauty of human connections.

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Professionals used in
Hunter & Barrel, Raine Square, Perth

About the

Our studio specializes in design for behaviour.

We have done so for almost 30 years and in this time we have learned a tremendous amount about how people behave naturally and instinctively within these social environments. We have learned the hard way that in order to design successful venues, we needed to place predictive human behaviour at the heart of what we do. We capture succinctly how most people behave most of the time in order to design spaces for the most joy and ultimately the most success. This assists us in capturing the spirit of place.