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Project by
Te Awanga, Hawke's Bay

2013 NZIA Architecture Award - Sustainable Architecture - Gisborne-Hawkes Bay Region

This project focused on reorganizing the plan of the small existing cottage and creating an expansive living area that opens up to the North. An addition of 2 metres was made to the entire Northern facade and linked to a large terrace. The 3 bedrooms and bathroom are tucked to the Southside along a naturally light hallway that insures fluid circulation throughout the house. In order to keep the low profile and discreet character of the house, the roofline was simply extended and finished up by a sculptural slatted timber rain-screen as a facade. 

Judge's Citation: Clear consideration of the project has seen the construction of a thermal-mass slab inside the extensively glazed north-facing addition, and the incorporation of log fire water heating and new insulation, all achieved within a re-cycled existing dwelling when demolition and re-building was a definite option.

Photographs by Russell Kleyn

Location: Te Awanga, Hawkes Bay

Date: 2013

Program: Residential

Bonnifait + Associates Architects
King Roberts House
King Roberts House
King Roberts House
King Roberts House
King Roberts House
King Roberts House
King Roberts House
King Roberts House
King Roberts House
King Roberts House
King Roberts House

Atelierworkshop was founded in 2000 on a plurality of thoughts and languages as a working process. The collaborative has different and diverse architectural experience in various parts of the world that combine professional work and research.

Their approach is orientated towards reconnecting people with a physical reality, a territory, its history and a cultural context. Over 23 years in practice they have developed a portfolio from bespoke residential and commercial boutique architecture to light industrial development, regenerative tourism and eco farm development.

“Our architecture seeks to reveal the landscape and the environment through innovation and common sense. Our projects are developed from a concern for forming one body with the site. Without compromising on design, we put priority on finding sustainable solutions".