Korimako Laneway Upgrade banner

Recently Korimako Laneway in Hawera went an amazing transformation. This works was part of a larger grand plan that was put together by Boffa Miskell in 2014 identiying areas of significance full details below: Click the link to see the full Boffa Miskell Article

The plan included:

  • Helping existing anchor activities to stay and grow;
  • Getting local and regional people to think about the town centre as a place to come to for fun by injecting new activities and events;
  • Catalysing a new perception of the town centre as a positive social place by relocating the old library to a new building with a public square, forming a
  • Contemporary civic place with quality food and beverage;
  • Making easier traffic connections from SH3 to attract visitors;
  • Re-sizing the town centre footprint to better fit the economy, through changes in the district plan, strategic site purchases and provision for residential development.

The design put together by Boffa Miskell Wellington was designed using a combination of Bluestone and Black Basalt natural stone. The product was installed on a vehicle grade mortar to provide the the strength to these long life products. The product used was the Instarmac range of Primer, ProBed Mortar and the Flowpoint High Strength Flowable grout.

Horizon International Paving
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Korimako Laneway Upgrade
Korimako Laneway Upgrade
Korimako Laneway Upgrade
Korimako Laneway Upgrade
Korimako Laneway Upgrade

Professionals used in
Korimako Laneway Upgrade

About the

Horizon International has over 45 years in the New Zealand paving industry, we have operated in all areas of the industry including, contracting, manufacturing and importing. This experience ensures we understand all aspects of the industry. Formed by John Roper who remains heavily involved today.

Horizon International is a pavement supply company that specialises in the sourcing, supply, installation and maintenance methodology of commercial urban environments.

We offer access to outstanding products, and a carefully selected choice of materials and solutions that have not only proved themselves in the harshest commercial environments but, look great and prove durable, many exclusive to Horizon, these include:-

Our paving solutions help deliver public spaces and streetscape projects that are economically and environmentally sustainable. We offer full paving solutions.

Our technical and installation expertise exceeds 35 years and has been proven on projects around New Zealand including city centres, airports,  port developments,  golf-course developments and heavy-duty pavements.

We pride ourselves in having quality products, expertise and systems to advise on installation, friendly helpful staff where nothing is too much trouble.