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The space was bright but tight, which made the brief create luxury and intimacy in a thoroughly modern Hellenic style. Creating a memory that outlives the guests' visit. You want an experience and visual memory, from arrival to dessert!

​Deep Aegean blue was referenced in the colours selected for a plush banquette as well as the walls and bar harmonise with the various textural finishes including brass, an abundance of glass framed by sheer drapes and a rich velvet banquette dominating the dining room.

The bar fascia had to have an intensity that would anchor the countertop, with brass fixtures to highlight and contrast the green and orange of the terrazzo bar. The effect is both alluring and dramatic, drawing attention to the bar in accordance with the brief of creating a luxe experience.

The layers of interest are amplified with the rich colour, it perfectly meets the brief to create a luxe dining destination that’s both exciting and inviting. 

Photography: Dave Temple

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With a fresh approach to each project, that utilises design expertise and passion, we create unique environments. 

Every space we design reflects your personal taste, personality and lifestyle. Be it to freshen up a single room or a complete makeover, we will transform your house into a beautiful home.

From consult to quote, sourcing products, supplying hard and soft finishes, full cabinetry design and styling services. Every project is different.