Main Street banner

Main Street is a local landmark in Mordialloc, and a much-loved neighbourhood destination for more than a decade. We created a casual and vibrant destination that seamlessly integrates into the streetscape and supports Main Street’s friendly hospitality service. The layout is open, airy and spacious, with a variety of seating for day and night trading. Banquettes, booths, counter stools and the tiled floor are inspired by our favourite New York diners, and reimagined with textured materials, a subdued colour palette and diagonal chequers to create a space with Melbourne’s modern aesthetic.

Location Mordialloc, Australia
Category Hospitality
Completion 2019
Services Interior Design, Interior Styling
Photography Jack Lovel

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Main Street

Professionals used in
Main Street

About the

We are inspired by the people we meet, and the relationships we keep.

Biasol (pronounced ‘b–are–zoul’) is a multidisciplinary design studio based in Melbourne. With a focus on the design of interior spaces, building typologies, products, and branded environments, we work collaboratively with Australian and international clients to realise spaces and experiences that merge the intricacies of design to deliver considered outcomes that engage both physically and emotionally.

Biasol was established in 2012 by Jean-Pierre Biasol whose Italian heritage and broader European educational influences nurtured a resonance and respect for the naturally diverse working processes common within European design practices. The Biasol approach draws on many complementary disciplines to create experiences that surpass expectation, harnessing intuitive, beautiful and highly engaging environments, products and brands.