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Matt Barker Orthodontist

2016 NZIA Wellington Awards - Commercial Architecture

Jury Citation: This totally reworked and extended heritage cottage cleverly maintains its street presence while subtly housing its high tech use. A new metal wall with growing frames for a scented vine is particularly engaging, the sky-lit stairway brings soft natural light to many spaces, and much thought has been given to public-private relationships, especially around the entry and exit. This tightly planned and modest-sized building is action-packed

Photographs by Russell Kleyn

Location: Tennyson Street, Wellington

Date: 2016

Program: Orthodontist

Bonnifait + Associates Architects
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Matt Barker Orthodontist
Matt Barker Orthodontist
Matt Barker Orthodontist
Matt Barker Orthodontist
Matt Barker Orthodontist
Matt Barker Orthodontist
Matt Barker Orthodontist
Matt Barker Orthodontist
Matt Barker Orthodontist
Matt Barker Orthodontist
Matt Barker Orthodontist
Matt Barker Orthodontist
Matt Barker Orthodontist
Matt Barker Orthodontist

About the

Atelierworkshop was founded in 2000 on a plurality of thoughts and languages as a working process. The collaborative has different and diverse architectural experience in various parts of the world that combine professional work and research.

Their approach is orientated towards reconnecting people with a physical reality, a territory, its history and a cultural context. Over 23 years in practice they have developed a portfolio from bespoke residential and commercial boutique architecture to light industrial development, regenerative tourism and eco farm development.

“Our architecture seeks to reveal the landscape and the environment through innovation and common sense. Our projects are developed from a concern for forming one body with the site. Without compromising on design, we put priority on finding sustainable solutions".