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Cooks Hill, NSW


Residential, Alterations & Additions


Newcastle Architecture Awards – 2023 – Entry Residential Architecture Houses (Alts & Adds)


Murray McKean

The Vision

Given the age, location, and context of the dwelling it was important to provide a design response which respects the heritage of the place whilst not reproducing it; rather, telling the next chapter to the story in the form of a contemporary addition filled with light and breeze to suit the Client’s entertainer lifestyle.

The resulting alterations and additions pick up on the northern rear orientation for the main entertaining areas and utilise the stair/bridge link as a light well to introduce light deep into the existing terrace. Multi-use spaces, adaptable furniture, and natural lighting/ventilation are the keys to the success of this project for the Client and have resulted in a home that suits their needs whether it is just the two of them and their dogs or entertaining a large group of friends and family.

Space Design Architecture
New South Wales
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Mcauley House
Mcauley House

Professionals used in
Mcauley House

About the

As a team of architects, designers and project managers with local knowledge and international experience, we are constantly putting our skills to the test to create outstanding design solutions for our clients across the multi-residential, workplace, education, health, retail, community, residential, industrial and hospitality sectors.

Architecture is expressive, innovative and creative, but it’s also about solving problems and overcoming limits. Our team challenge the status quo, elevate clients’ missions, and seek to measurably improve lives and communities.