Hovering high above the horizon when visiting this house you are confronted with captivating views of Mount Taranaki.
The roof and wall cladding featuring Melalcrafts Kahu Profile in New Denim Blue delivers a visual impact without disrupting the landscape.
Large windows in aluminium joinery capture the sun from all angles and have been placed to make the most of the stunning views.
Revelling in its stunning rural location, the residence makes a bold statement in the landscape.
Roof Profile: Metalcraft Kahu Corrugate
Roof Colour: New Denim Blue
Wall Cladding: Metalcraft Kahu Corrugate
Wall Colour: New Denim Blue
In 2008 a couple of guys from Taranaki decided to start a Roofing business and thus Central Roofing Company was born.
Starting off with a few people on wages, who we are happy to say are still with us and getting in Fiona to handle the books, we started out just doing Re-Roofs. Not too long after, we took over the Gerard distributorship for Gerard Tiles and got to work with some local builders to provide Tiles for new Roofs.
In 2012 the regulations changed, and it was made compulsory to include Scaffold when Roofing, so we decided to have our own Scaffold department to supply and install Scaffold on our jobs.
With steady growth throughout the years and recently, in 2018 we moved into our new premises at 9 Craig Place, Waiwhakaiho, New Plymouth.
Today at Central Roofing Company we stand for quality and service within the Roofing industry. Working with our trusted partners to provide you with the best option, designed to suit your style and budget from Scaffold to finish.